Jasa Service AC Ciputat

Jasa Service AC Ciputat – BMD Technology Centre menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan AC salah satunya untuk wilayah Ciputat Tangerang Selatan dan sekitarnya, siap membantu permasalahan anda terkait dengan alat-alat pendingin dan pemanas di rumah, kantor, ruko, rumah sakit, sekolah, kampus/universitas dan lain sebagainya. Jasa perbaikan AC yang kami berikan mencakup beberapa layanan seperti:

  • Pembersihan/cleaning AC
  • Bongkar/Pasang AC
  • Perbaikan/service part/komponen AC yang rusak.

Tidak hanya itu, selain pendingin AC kami juga dapat mengaplikasikanya di alat/mesin lainnya seperti: cooling/cooler, show case, freezer, kulkas, AC Split, AC Stand, Cool Storage, AHU, HVAC, Duct  Kitchen dan lain sebagainya. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan Jasa Service AC, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika anda memerlukan jasa service/cleaning ac maupun bongkar dan pasang ac, silahkan hubungi :  021-2943 2095 atau kontak person: 0813-8703-4047

Pengertian AC – AC yaitu kepanjangan dari kata (Air Conditioning) atau biasa dibaca (ASE) atau Penyejuk udara. AC adalah suatu alat untuk mendinginkan dan menyejukkan udara di dalam ruangan yang tertutup.

AC merupakan sebuah proses mengubah sifat-sifat udara (terutama suhu dan kelembaban). dan AC dapat merujuk pada segala bentuk teknologi pendinginan, pemanasan, ventilasi, atau disinfeksi yang memodifikasi kondisi udara. AC (sering disebut sebagai AC atau penyejuk udara) adalah suatu alat, sistem, atau mesin yang dirancang untuk mengubah suhu dan kelembaban udara dalam suatu area (digunakan untuk pendinginan dan kadang-kadang pemanasan tergantung pada sifat udara pada saat tertentu), biasanya menggunakan siklus refrigerasi tapi kadang-kadang menggunakan penguapan, biasanya untuk pendinginan kenyamanan dalam bangunan dan kendaraan bermotor.

Apa itu refrigerant?
Refrigerant atau yang sering kita sebut Freon adalah cairan yang menyerap panas pada suhu rendah dan menolak panas pada suhu yang lebih tinggi.
Prinsip-prinsip Refrigerant memungkinkan untuk digunakan pada outdoor unit dan indoor unit langsung menjalankannya dengan baik, karena hubungan tekanan suhu. Hubungan tekanan suhu ini memungkinkan untuk dapat mentransfer panas. Dalam industri HVAC Refrigerant diberi nama dagang dikenal sebagai ” nama R”. Contoh nama-nama ini adalah R22, R134a, dan R502. Nama-nama ini membantu untuk menggambarkan berbagai jenis refrigerant. Refrigerant memiliki berbagai susunan kimia dengan sifat-sifat yang berbeda. Beberapa refrigeran hanya mampu bekerja dalam tekanan yang tinggi sementara yang lain menggunakan tekanan rendah untuk berfungsi dengan baik.


Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel tentang Pengertian AC dan Pengertian Freon , Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah manfaat dan wawasan anda. 🙂

Jasa Service AC Pamulang

Jasa Service AC Pamulang – BMD Technology Centre penyedia Jasa Perbaikan AC salah satunya untuk wilayah Pamulang Tangerang Selatan dan sekitarnya siap membantu permasalahan anda terkait dengan alat-alat pendingin dan pemanas di rumah, kantor, ruko, rumah sakit, sekolah, kampus/universitas dan lain sebagainya. Jasa perbaikan AC yang kami berikan mencakup beberapa layanan seperti:

  • Pembersihan/cleaning AC
  • Bongkar/Pasang AC
  • Perbaikan/service part/komponen AC yang rusak.

Tidak hanya itu, selain pendingin AC kami juga dapat mengaplikasikanya di alat/mesin lainnya seperti: cooling/cooler, show case, freezer, kulkas, AC Split, AC Stand, Cool Storage, AHU, HVAC, Duct  Kitchen dan lain sebagainya. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan Jasa Service AC, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami silahkan call: 021-2943 2095 atau kontak person: 0813-8703-4047

Manfaat Air Limbah AC ( Air conditioner )

Air Conditioner (AC) merupakan alat pendingin ruangan.

Manfaat dari sistem pendingin AC
Salah satu hal yang paling menarik tentang sistem pendingin udara baru adalah bahwa sebagian besar teknologi AC jadi sistem pendingin, penyejuk udara yang membuat sehat rumah. AC selalu menghasilkan air buangan yang telah dibuatkan saluran khusus berupa selang air, diarahkan ketempat dimana air dapat segera terbuang, sementara air buangan AC biasanya terbuang percuma.

Namun, kesejukan yang dirasakan berbanding terbalik dengan kondisi di sekitar jatuhnya limbah AC tersebut. Hal inilah yang membuat sebagian orang tidak perhatian dan cendrung menjadikan tempat tersebut menjadi tidak diperhatikan.

Padahal air limbah AC yang jatuh dari limbah AC tersebut sebenarnya bisa dimanfaatkan ?

Bila dilihat proses terjadinya air buangan tersebut, maka air AC merupakan air murni yang hampir tidak tercemar oleh elemen – elemen yang mengendap, sehingga bila dibandingkan dengan air hujan, maka sebenarnya air buangan AC lebih bersih.

Setelah mempelajari adanya air buangan AC dihadapkan dengan kebutuhan air untuk mengisi radiator, maka dilakukan percobaan oleh beberapa orang yang sangat memerlukan cairan pendingin mesin via radiator, salah satunya dengan menggunakan air AC. Alhasil indikator pemantau panas mesin terlihat normal, diuji dengan menjalankan mesin secara terus menerus, hasilnya tetap baik, mesin tidak meningkat panas. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ternyata air Buangan AC dapat dimanfaatkan untuk air radiator yang efektif, murah dan mudah didapatkan.

Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kualitas Air AC tetap terjaga dan agar bisa di manfaatkan terus menerus, maka lakukanlah perawatan terhadap AC ( Air Conditioner ) yang anda punya setiap tiga bulan sekali dan tergantung dari keaktifan AC tersebut serta melihat dari kondisinya.

Jasa Service AC Serpong

Jasa Service AC Serpong – BMD Technology Centre penyedia Jasa Perbaikan AC salah satunya untuk wilayah Serpong Tangerang Selatan dan sekitarnya siap membantu permasalahan anda terkait dengan alat-alat pendingin dan pemanas di rumah, kantor, ruko, rumah sakit, sekolah, kampus/universitas dan lain sebagainya. Jasa perbaikan AC yang kami berikan mencakup beberapa layanan seperti:

  • Pembersihan/cleaning AC
  • Bongkar/Pasang AC
  • Perbaikan/service part/komponen AC yang rusak.

Tidak hanya itu, selain pendingin AC kami juga dapat mengaplikasikanya di alat/mesin lainnya seperti: cooling/cooler, show case, freezer, kulkas, AC Split, AC Stand, Cool Storage, AHU, HVAC, Duct  Kitchen dan lain sebagainya. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan jas service ac, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami silahkan call: 021-3943 2095 atau kontak person: 0813-8703-4047

Sebagai tips dan trik dari kami bagi pelanggan yang ingin menggunakan Jasa Service AC harap diperhatikan beberapa hal berikut:

  1. Dipastikan provider Jasa Service AC yang anda gunakan berbadan hukum
  2. Memiliki kantor yang tetap, sehingga jika ada keluhan atau ada komplain anda mudah untuk menemui manajemenya
  3. Pilihkan Jasa Service AC yang memberikan Garansi.
  4. Mintalah struk/kwitansi bukti pembayaran sesudah AC anda diperbaiki
  5. Mintalah no.hp teknisi yang bertugas untuk mempermudah anda berkomunikasi lebih lanjut.

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#1 Marketing Strategy: Your Marketing Message

#1 Marketing Strategy: Your Marketing Message

Your marketing message is what forms the background of all your marketing strategies and communications. If your marketing message is weak, unclear or poorly crafted, then it doesn’t matter what specific marketing tactics you use…your prospects and customers won’t take notice.

The goal is to have a well-written, targeted marketing message that resonates with your target market. You want them to see or hear your marketing message and get an instant reaction of “Hey, that’s for me”. You want them to go to your website, give you a call, send you an email, ask someone about you – you want them to find out more about you and the solutions you offer.

In other words, a great marketing message means you’ll have more and more qualified prospects contacting you, generate more and more business, and make you happier and happier!

So what exactly is your marketing message?

Your marketing message is more than a USP (Unique Selling Position), or value proposition, or your tagline or brand. It is a complete message that describes what you do, who you do it with, what problems you solve and what solutions you offer.

You want your marketing message to grab your prospect’s attention, show them how you can solve their problem, why they should trust you and why it’s in their best interest to do business with you.

Your marketing message should “speak” to your prospects and clients by appealing to their “hot buttons”. The problem or issue that triggers emotional reactions that keep them up at night, trying to come up with some solutions.

Prospects and customers who are exposed to your marketing message (via your website, elevator speech, business card, brochure, special report, sales letter, direct mail, etc.) should have answers for the following questions:

1. Is this product or service for me?

2. Why do I need this service or product?

3. What will I get from this product or service?

4. How will this service or product change how I’m feeling right now?

5. Does this product or service really work?

In order to ensure that your marketing message is the best it can be, and answers the above questions for your prospects and customers, you need to do some homework.

In order to craft a successful marketing message, you have to understand your target or niche group, the problems they have and their motivations to buy. You also need to know what sets you apart from your competitors and what solutions your products and services provide.

So your marketing message actually encompasses several different aspects:

1) Target market – who is your message and marketing communications directed to? What is the personality of your potential audience?

2) Problem – what is the issue or concern that frustrates your prospects and clients? What’s not working for them or could work better?

3) Solution – what solution can you provide to alleviate your target market’s problem? What will your customers experience from working with you/buying your product?

4) Benefits – what are all the ways that your product or service helps your client? What are the actual results?

5) Uniqueness – what is unique about your company’s offerings that make a difference to your potential and current clients? How are you different from your competitors?

Creating a dynamic and effective marketing message is key to your business’s success. If you don’t take the time to do this important marketing step, then you’ll most likely end up sitting in an empty store or officeComputer Technology Articles, or in front of an empty email inbox and wondering why your marketing isn’t pulling in any customers.

Email Marketing in Your Web Marketing

Email Marketing in Your Web Marketing

Email marketing, sometimes also called web marketing or E-Marketing, is the method of marketing products or services through the internet using electronic mail. It is one of the most advanced and effective marketing technique presently available.

There are lots of advantages to email marketing over conventional marketing techniques. The Internet has acquired such popularity among the public, and has become the most widely used communication medium all over the world. Emails can include links to websites, and people like the ease of use of online shopping sites. Also they get the lowest price through internet shopping. The widespread use of credit cards and internet banking facilities affords more convenience and speed in the online shopping field.

Email Advertisement

A major form of email marketing is email advertisement. Advertisements can be monitored and payment can be obtained when the customer clicks the ad or according to the number of times the advertisement is played. It gives more flexibility to the advertisers to choose which of the methods are more suitable and appealing to their customers.

The reduction in cost of marketing is another major advantage of email marketing. Since the medium uses digital format, it can avoid the printing and publishing costs associated with traditional marketing. So the Internet can be termed as a selling tool which is cost effective.

The filtering process can be done in a very effective way as the advertisement can be routed to the appropriate customers. All types of customers are available over the Internet irrespective of age, occupation, living standards, etc. which gives widespread publicity for the advertisements.

Another advantage of routing email readers to your E-Store is that it can be open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week which is not possible in the case of conventional marketing methods. This gives freedom of time for the customer for purchasing. The different types of internet marketing include email subscriptions, blogs, feeds etc. The cost of this kind of marketing is nothing. Through these kinds of marketing methods, up-to-date information can be given to the customers.

The statistics of marketing can also be measured easily and conveniently, and necessary steps for evaluation can be done efficiently. Email marketing can be monitored, and tested in all aspects. In Email marketing a person even do not have to own a product to sell it. There are lots of affiliate programs available in the internet. They work on the basis of pay per click, pay per purchase etc. Thus internet marketing is a new phase of modern marketing techniqueFind Article, and email marketing is one of its most powerful tools.

3 Things Every Successful Entrepreneur Has

3 Things Every Successful Entrepreneur Has

Being a successful entrepreneur is something many dream of due to the independence and freedom it offers! However your success is dependent upon much more than simply focusing on the benefits this lifestyle may present! The fact is that being successful as an entrepreneur involves vision, the proper mindset and lots of discipline!

Here’s a look at how certain traits of an entrepreneur, such as the 3 we’re about to review below, can lead to their enviable accomplishments and yours as well!


The fact is that without goals you have no target or even the ability to know whether your efforts are effective or not! Whether professionally or personally, your success typically starts with a set of clearly defined goals.

Think about it, being successful generally means you’ve accomplished what you set out to do, but if you have no goals, then there seems little for you to accomplish! Remember it all starts with a vision, a want or a need which then evolves into steps or goals that must be completed to achieve your desires! Without goals your efforts will be unfocused and thereby ineffective!

Good Mental Attitude

Maintaining a positive yet realistic outlook is one of the most common traits of an entrepreneur who typically succeeds at what they’re doing! It is always nice to have the support of the people around you, however if you’re experiencing any self doubt at all, it will only serve to sabotage your efforts! Ultimately the mindset or attitude one may have can be the single biggest difference between whether it is successes or failures that person is to experience!


In many cases, the depth of your desire, insofar as what it may be you aim to accomplish, will determine the level of your focus! Maintaining the necessary focus needed is often a test of discipline but then again, if the desire is strong enough, this discipline should be easy enough to maintain!

Once again being successful normally calls for the completion of certain tasks or the achievement of specific goals! This all requires a quality effort which results from being highly focused on what it is you’re trying to do unless of course you expect somebody else to do it for you!

Becoming a successful entrepreneur involves much more that day dreaming about the benefits you may experience! Commonly the traits of an entrepreneur who typically succeeds at what they are trying to accomplish involves vision, discipline and the proper mindset to bring it all together!

These traits, as reviewed above, do not call upon skills of any sort but rather a deep desire that will be the driving force behind your success! It simply comes down to really ‘wanting’ something bad enough that you’re willing to focus both your mind and efforts to turn your wants into your realities! Being successful be it in business or even personal endeavors will always require a certain investment from you! It’s this willingness to invest of yourself insofar as having a desireBusiness Management Articles, direction and focus that will determine the level of your success or failure!

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Become an Entrepreneur

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Become an Entrepreneur

Are you a $100K+ executive who is thinking about leaving Corporate America and starting your own coaching or service business?

Making the decision to venture out, take the risk and become an entrepreneur is hard, whether it’s because you can’t find a job in this tough economy or you’re simply tired of working for someone else. And, believe me I know.

In 1992, I decided to start my own business after being laid-off twice in the same year. Now, the idea was not completely new to me. My father, grandfathers, and many uncles on both sides of my family were bit with the “own-your-own-business bug.” Although, I knew exactly what I was getting into and even though I come from a long line of entrepreneurs, I still faced the same questions and fears that you’re facing right now.

Below, I show you how I made my decision to start my executive coaching business 17 years ago. And this process still works today as I ask my clients the same seven questions when they tell me that they want to transition from executive to entrepreneur.

The Top 7 Questions I Asked Myself Before Transitioning From $100k+ Executive to an Entrepreneur

Question #1: What is your motivation for becoming an entrepreneur?

Your motivation to become an entrepreneur must be strong enough to carry you through the ups and downs. Wanting to work part time while taking care of your children, trying to work as a 1099 until a better opportunity comes along, or having nothing better to do are poor motivators for starting your own business.

Question #2: What is your background and experience at work?

If your experience is in a back-office function or you’ve never had the experience of working directly with customers, you need to think about how you will acquire these skill sets. This does not mean that you need to master the art of cold-calling, but you must know how to close a deal.

Question #3: What strategies and tactics will you use to find leads?

More than anything, you need to hit the ground running. You need to find potential customers fast so that you can make deals happen. My advice is to delay building your marketing materials – including your website, brochures, and tools – until you know where and how to reach potential customers.

Question 4: How will you address the three big challenges of Money, Product and Pricing that every new business faces?

Under capitalization is the biggest reason company’s become bankrupt within the first year. You need to know how to finance your start-up. Personal cash reserves, credit and loans from family and friends are the most common methods.

Building a product or service includes the time and money needed to develop these materials and you need clarity about what your target market wants and needs. Take the time to learn through your network before you spend large amounts of money on prototypes that may not sell.

Pricing is the hardest challenge of all. My advice is to slightly under price your product and/or service to enter the market and as you prove your worth and brand, you can raise your prices over time.

Question #5: What course of action will you take to make your business successful?

This question goes to the heart of your commitment and what you are willing (and not willing) to do to make you a successful entrepreneur. Going into any new venture requires you to evaluate your discipline and diligence as it relates to your desired level of success.

Question #6: What are you going to do to market yourself?

Marketing yourself is all about the process of gathering strangers into your network and bringing them to a state of interest. This requires strategic planning that enables potential customers to engage in you, experience your value proposition and build trust before turning them into a potential sale. Building a website or a social networking site is not enough.

Question #7: How long will you stay involved in your business before you receive a consistent revenue stream?

Given that most businesses take nine months to a year to build a healthy and consistent revenue stream, you must look at your finances and determine what you will do in the meantime. Key questions include: How will you supplement your income requirements? What can you do to drastically cut your break-even point? How will you make up the difference?

There is also a personal side to building a business. You must transition from an accidental entrepreneur to taking your business seriously in order to be successful. And your family must be willing to give you the time and the resources to get your business off the ground.

Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most satisfying, challenging, exciting endeavors any executive can do. If you want to take charge of your career, build something that gives you long-term control and provider yourself with the ultimate in freedom and flexibility, then making the transition from $100K+ executive to entrepreneur is well worth the effort.